Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blog Entry #6

"Or was she finally getting the same reaction for the cure as Zane? Was the pill beginning to damage her brain, now that she was beyond any hope of medical cure? Tally's head pounded, fevered thoughts swirling through her. She had no hover-board, now way of getting to the Rust Ruins except on foot. No one knew where she was. The world had been emptied of everything but the wild. Even the absence on the cuff on the writs felt strange, like the gap left behind by a missing tooth" (243)

I can't believe how they can use technology to alter herself and her thinking so much, in the book before she was completely different and now she does not know what to think or what is right. Its unfair how the specials did this to her. How can you just change someone without their consent and then just force them to live a lie. How can you use technology that could be creating miracles instead creating the most superficial world it can create. But why is she so afraid of the cure? It should of worked and you can see how much technology they depend on to solve all their problems. I could never imagine our world turning into theirs because of technology, well I could but I would not want to believe it. Though its true even today we depend to much on technology even on superficial things like plastic surgery. We should love our flaws because that's what makes us special. Why should anyone inspire to be something they are not just because is socially acceptable. Thats how you can see how technology turned this society into a dystopian mess because it made people think that it is fine to just be superficial and that being pretty is what life is about and that is why everyone must undergo the surgery but its not. No one even knows how to function without technology even for a little bit. Which just shows how imperfect the world is.

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