Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

"But maybe it was time. She had been here a month, and Zane was special. Not just because he had led the Crims and looked different from everyone else, but the way he tried to stay bubble, to bend the rules. It made him prettier than the others, somehow"(58)

In a society where biotechnology makes everyone look the same, to create the ideal version of being "pretty" how do we find the special and uniqueness of one another? When everyone is made to look the same how do we stand out or admire how someone is unique to us? You can not and this is why this is a dystopian society because when everyone inspires to be the same then no one is truly themselves creating a superficial imperfect world. How would anyone want to live a life like this? Does Tally not realize she is being superficial herself... It's like they did something to her but I don't know what. Did they make her forget everything that she once believed in because she sure is acting like it..

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