Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Carriers is about a sickness in the future that almost eliminates the worlds population. The movie follows 4  survivors that have to keep moving and avoiding everyone in order to survive. They have no idea what causes the sickness some think it was the government tampering with biotechnology and it go out of hand. Though it is almost impossible to survive in the future because the disease is so easily spread from person to person. It shows when sickness comes about human nature is to go into survival mode. Also how we should be careful with what we try to create because it might come back to haunt us. Also that without government during disasters like this everything turns into complete chaos and people will have no idea what to do because what happens when they have no higher power to turn to with the problems that are threatening to cause the human species to become extinct. Though also we should be ready for a biotechnology war like this, because that is what its coming with playing with genetics and biology like the way we do.

"I wish people wouldn't call it 'the Catbox,' and things like that," she
said. "It gives people the wrong impression."

"You're absolutely right," said Dr. Hitz. "Forgive me." He corrected
himself, gave the municipal gas chambers their official title, a title
no one ever used in conversation. "I should have said, 'Ethical Suicide
Studios,'" he said.

"That sounds so much better," said Leora Duncan.

"This child of yours--whichever one you decide to keep, Mr. Wehling,"
said Dr. Hitz. "He or she is going to live on a happy, roomy, clean,
rich planet, thanks to population control. In a garden like that mural
there." He shook his head. "Two centuries ago, when I was a young man,
it was a hell that nobody thought could last another twenty years. Now
centuries of peace and plenty stretch before us as far as the
imagination cares to travel."
This excerpt is from the short story 2BRO2B. In the short story they talk about how in order to stabilize human population that they made it a rule that in order to have children you need to have some one kill themselves in order to keep the world at a perfect population in the world. Though in the story we are introduced to a man who is having triplets the only problem with this is that he only has his grandfather who is volunteering to die for his children, but he needs 3 volunteers in order to keep all of his children. How do we decide who lives or dies? This is the problem with biotechnology we are playing the role of God to much and it is very unnatural to do so. How can we only chose one of our children to live because no one has volunteered to die? Also who wants to live forever, why would we ever against nature, I think that its just wrong and that the world and nature was made to balance out everything. That is why we age and eventually die so we dot over populate the world but when we eliminate this we also eliminat the balance of nature and the world and that's why we shouldn't tamper biotechnology because it was not made to be tampered with.
The movie Priest is about the future that was filled with a war with vampires. During this people turned to the church for protection. This is because they made priests specifically designed to fight vampires and through this they were able to take control of the war and win. But now the church has total control of society and is corrupt. Priests are now ignored and are even unable to find work. Though when a new threat of vampires arises one of the priests set out on a mission to revenge his brothers death, and to rescue his daughter from the vampires. Though the priest starts to question the church and its reasons. He goes to the church to inform he is going after his daughter but instead of supporting his they warn that if he leaves he will be going against church and God and the will go after him, because they are convinced that all the vampires are taken care of. Though we learn that he is wrong and the priest learns that going against the Church is not going against God, that he was right and he needs to do the right thing and listen to his own morals because the church is not God but just the ones who started to twist his message. This shows that in the future maybe one again the Church will have absolute power and use religion to their power which is corrupt. It also shows that when the future things goes bad people often turn to religion for safety. Though they need to realize that they control their own religion and not the church. Soon the citizens open their eyes to this when it becomes evident the church has been lying about vampires. Though it shows that religion during rough times can be used negatively on people in the future.

The bar code tattoo by Suzanne Weyn talks about how in the future everyone will be required to get a bar code tattoo that will tell everything about them from their credit card information to their genetics. This of course is morally corrupt because it prevents people from getting medical insurance and getting some jobs. Also it gives the government absolute control over every ones account information and they are able to control what you are able to use and when. If you were on the run they would freeze all your accounts and there is no other way to pay for anything except using your bar code. Though for some people getting this tattoo means losing their jobs and control over their life.  The main character Kayla Reed finds out the true power of the bar code and goes on the run to the mountains where no one will be able to find her. There she joins a rebellion and makes a new family after she was forced to leave hers for her own safety. This is because people who openly speak out of the bar code tattoo seem be disappearing or killed. Though the rebellion starts their own society one without so much technology and they chose to live life with an equal government unlike society's corrupt one. Also they are able to steer clear from technology because of the problems it may cause. They start their own way of life.

V for Vendetta shows a morally corrupt government that is trying to have ultimate control over its citizens. In the trailed you can see that everything revolves around the government as result it controls almost everything in   the citizens lives. Government officials do not care about the people though they make it seem they have the perfect society preventing war and crime because in this future they put a stop to all of that but now they have absolute control. Though most people are unhappy because of curfews and restrictions to how they live their lives. That is until a man who wears a strange mask and calls himself Vendetta starts a rebellion. Though he uses violence from explosions to carry out his message he just believes in doing the right thing for the people. In the movie you learn the government goes so far as to even torture people who are homosexual because they do not want that in their society. Vendetta reveals that a government like this can not go on, and soon many citizens join his cause by wearing replicates of his mask. Through this the government is easily taken down, and the people are now aloud to live their lives freely. This shows that even in the future the need for citizens to revolt against a corupt society might be necessary still.
The Day After Tomorrow is a movie about what will happen if we do not stop pollution and try to prevent global warming. In the movie huge natural disasters effect our environment and destroys almost everything man mad on this earth. In some parts of the world the environment has become so bad that its almost impossible to survive. A group of people stay locked in a library after a tsunami hit New York City. They stay together and have to find ways to beat the extreme weather and environment changes in order to survive. It seems like the vision of the future is about karma finally catching up to the human population. This is because we never cared about the environment or global warming because it never affected us directly. Now it does though, when our environment has become so harsh that we have to go to the extreme to survive. In the movie downtown in New York because covered in ice and seems to be a wasteland.

Though most of the environmentalist in the movie knew this was coming, and after being ignored by government officials they decided to take action into their own hands, this is until disaster strikes and government officials are now forced to call upon them for help.This shows how the government can be corrupt, not always doing the best for the people but rather for companies and economic power. It shows how if only the government listened to the warnings maybe things could of been prevented. Though the main issue is our environment and how if we don't take care of it that it will greatly harm us in the end.

Mutant Chronicles is a movie about the future, where humans have been turning into mutants as a result to a machine that just landed on earth. This sparks a whole war between humans and the mutants. Some people fear the worst and wan't to run away, unlike others who sees that running will never fix anything and neither will the war. He sets out to destroy the machine once and for all to end the war between the mutants and humans. It shows in the future maybe instead of fighting each other because of where we are located on earth we will start fighting war with other species that threaten to destroy us. Though maybe running away will actually help save lives instead of having to sacrifice them for the safety of others, but who can run forever? Also it shows biotechnology and how it can harm us. How it might even end up turning us into monsters if we are not careful enough with it, is it really helpful to be the curious about genetic make up? Or will it end up hurting us in the end trying to play the role of God when we clearly aren't meant to be. Do we keep pushing the limits of society, or will our future end up like this one where half of the population is turned into mutants that stage war with us threatening both our planet and our survival as a species.
In the movie Planet of the Apes (2001) you get to see a society that is ruled with inequality. Though this inequality is unique because usually when you think of it you think race, but instead in this movie its inequality between species. Here you can see how Apes are now the dominant species and they have enslaved humans for their benefit. Though when a human travels through time on accident and he discovers this world he is confused and tries to change it. Though we soon discover that in fact this is not another world but the future, and when a plan crashes and humans use the apes on board to help with chores the Apes learn quickly and turn on the humans. Though the weird thing is both the humans and the apes in the future are lied to about the past. Though I think its so humans will never realize how much power they have as a species. You see humans have almost declined as a species, though this is because they are being suppressed by the apes. Though this also shows issues with he government they are trying to cover something up, not letting the people know the truth. They want to make it seem that they have the perfect society when in fact they might not, or is it because they don't want their citizens to question if they are the supreme race or not. Because maybe if they are not the supreme race but almost even equal to humans they will no longer want to enslave humans which could hurt the economy and cause chaos. I just think this is such a unique way to look an inequality in the future, and to see evolution in the works. Also I like how not every ape believed the humans are so below them, and that they actually try to help the humans rebel because they want equality between all species. Though its kind of karma to the human race because we always treat animals like our slaves, that we have the right to do anything because we are the dominant species. It makes you think of how we should be treating other animals.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What happens when it all falls apart?

The Walking Dead is a series of comic book that deals with an outbreak of zombies. It shows the issue of government and how in the future it could so easily all fall apart. The government has no way of controlling the plague or the people and therefore leads to complete chaos in the world. The issue with this government now is that there is none, so everyone becomes anarchist. You can easily see this as easily and almost as the ideal government, but when it all comes down to it whose going to protect you from being killed or robbed if there are no laws put in place against it? It turns into every man for himself, which results into complete chaos.

Government allows structure and order in a society, it keeps it calm and running smoothly. Though when we eliminate government what is left to keep us together? What hope do we have that someone is going to save us? The Walking Dead is a perfect example of this because they are a group of people looking for answers, or some sad trace of government left. They feel a lone, that no one will come rescue them in their time of need. Government supplies us these comforts and need and that is why this is usually an issue in literature about the future because if the government falls apart what do we have left? And who is going to keep us together? It shows a dystopian society where everyone must fight for themselves because they have no one to lead them out of danger or harms way. They are easy to blame one another because they have no idea whats going on. When a government falls apart like it did in The walking Dead as he said the frequencies stop broadcasting, all we are left with is hope and questions, and everyone automatically turns to the government for this, but what happens when there is no government left to turn to? No answers to be found, one must live in a dystopian society with chaos and the will to stay together.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Book of Eli


In this trailer from the Book of Eli you see the conflict of religion especially when times are desperate. Religion can bring hope and with hope during times like those comes power. That is why the main character has to protect the book at all times because it is a Bible. This trailer shows the idea of "judgement day" and everyone  left on earth can turn to evil or good. Of course those who turn to evil do not want him to spread the word of the lord because then they could lose their power over people.Especially because during bad times people most likely turn to religion for comfort and hope. Without hope people are easily taken advantage of because what do they have to live for? This movie shows the main conflict religion can have in the future because of the hope and power it may bring and the conflicts that arise from it.
Also it shows the struggle for power, and when religion threatens to take away one mans power he will do nothing to stop it. That is why the main character must protect the book because it is the last bible on earth and without it how will anyone know the word of the lord?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Our future is in the past?

Malorie MacDonald
Period 6

Tera Nova is an alternate universe the find in the future, it is also the name of the show. In the trailer you can see that the future is in pretty bad condition. Its dark, polluted, over populated, and seems to be slowly degrading. You can see that the major issues in environment, technology, and a little bit of government. The family seems so desperate to escape the future and head into the past of the alternate universe because the environment of the future is unstable and unhealthy to live in, therefore you can see the parents just want whats best for their children. In the trailer you can see the huge difference between the two environments, and how worst the environment in the future is than the new one. The issue of technology is clearly present because even though in the future we are technologically advances it causes so much pollution that it destroys our environment causing us to rely more and more on technology where in Tera Nova everything seems to be more organic than technological which is better for the environment which in the trailer you can see how much healthier the environment is and ends the cycle that is ever going in the future. Also as you see in the trailer there seems to be a struggle between two groups, one group that does not live inside the gates of Tera Nova seem to be the rebels while the group that lives inside the gates seem to be the governed listening to the government that is enforced in the government. Though we don't know why there rebels are against the government I predict it has to do with corruption in the government because in the trailer the person who is in charge looks guilty of some thing, like hes not telling everyone the truth about the place or hes hiding a big secret. Though I am still unsure of what the secret is!