Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blog Entry #6

"Or was she finally getting the same reaction for the cure as Zane? Was the pill beginning to damage her brain, now that she was beyond any hope of medical cure? Tally's head pounded, fevered thoughts swirling through her. She had no hover-board, now way of getting to the Rust Ruins except on foot. No one knew where she was. The world had been emptied of everything but the wild. Even the absence on the cuff on the writs felt strange, like the gap left behind by a missing tooth" (243)

I can't believe how they can use technology to alter herself and her thinking so much, in the book before she was completely different and now she does not know what to think or what is right. Its unfair how the specials did this to her. How can you just change someone without their consent and then just force them to live a lie. How can you use technology that could be creating miracles instead creating the most superficial world it can create. But why is she so afraid of the cure? It should of worked and you can see how much technology they depend on to solve all their problems. I could never imagine our world turning into theirs because of technology, well I could but I would not want to believe it. Though its true even today we depend to much on technology even on superficial things like plastic surgery. We should love our flaws because that's what makes us special. Why should anyone inspire to be something they are not just because is socially acceptable. Thats how you can see how technology turned this society into a dystopian mess because it made people think that it is fine to just be superficial and that being pretty is what life is about and that is why everyone must undergo the surgery but its not. No one even knows how to function without technology even for a little bit. Which just shows how imperfect the world is.

Blog Entry # 5

"Tally tried to answer, but something horrible rose up in her throat, choking off her words. Then she notices the quiet around them and realize that shay had been yelling. The other Crims looked  on in puzzlement, only the hiss of the fire filling the silence. Pretties didn't fight. they hardly ever argued, and they certainly never shouted at one another in the middle of a party. That sort of obnoxious behavior was stickily for uglies" (146)

The society uses technology to create the ideal society by completely changing people. The way they look, act, and even thing. They suppress any negative memory about the surgery and make them live a life that is a lie. How can no one notice this? Almost having no memory of what happened before the surgery, that seems a little sketchy to me... I hate the thought of going into surgery just to change everything about myself including how I think. I realize how much power they have over you after that. That's why Tally could not recollect anything from the past and was acting totally different. I wonder if she will leave Shane once when she becomes herself again or will she stay with him because of how pretty he is. I hope she doesn't become shallow because of temptations though I think her and Shane have a much deeper relationship. I also think technology plays to much into peoples relationships and that's why its better if everyone is in the wilderness away from technology!

Blog Entry 3

"Tally nodded, thinking it through, The city interface brought you pings, answered your questions, reminded you of appointments, even turned the lights on and off in your room. If special Circumstances wanted to watch you, they'd know everything you did and half of what you were thinking."(69)

Using technology to control a society is wrong. The government uses technology to their advantage without the citizens even knowing it. Everyone thinks technology is creating this perfect world when in reality its stripping it of everything that made it wonderful. The government should never use technology against its own citizens its wrong. How do people think this okay? That someone is using technology to watch and control their every move? They have no more control over their own lives because they let technology become to much apart of their lives and become increasingly dependent on it which just increases the dystopian governments power over you. Though no one can realize this because they are all made to think the same way, the way the government wants them to thing. Its just a total mind screw just thinking about it. This book is all about how the government uses technology to their advantage and its just all one huge conspiracy after another. How would anyone ever want to live life like this..

Blog Entry 4

"But anyways here's what I'm trying to tell you: They did something to your brain-our brain- and that's why this letter may seem kind of weird to you. we (that's "we" as in us out in the New Smoke, not "we" as in you and me) don't know exactly how it work, but we are pretty sure that something happens to everyone who has the operation. when they make you pretty, they also add lesions to your brain. It makes you different and not in a good way. Look in the mirror, Tally. If you're pretty you've got them" (89)

Using technology to totally change someone even their mind is creating a total dystopian society. The person who has the power and technology is given to much control over other people. How could anyone think this is okay? Or are all of them just brainwashed to think that way... When technology is used to create total conformity in a society then it is truly imperfect but to others who do not know the truth they believe it is then perfect. Also I feel bad for Tally how can you even wrap your mind around this? Its so complex and difficult to understand, reading a letter from yourself that you do not even remember writing. I think I would be so freaked out in that situation its not even funny. It also just freaks me out how you can just use technology to the level to make someone forget everything. I hope that in this world that we would never use technology to control a person like that...

Blog Entry 2

"You weren't supposed to take them if you hadn't eaten. It was dangerous. Back in the Rusty days-before the operation, when everyone had been ugly-there had been a disease where people deliberately didn't eat. They were so afraid of getting fat that they got way to skinny sometimes even starting themselves to death in a world full of food. It was one of the scary things the operation had gotten rid of"(62)

They just used biotechnology to cure everything, when making the world a less judgmental place would of done the same. Using biotechnology to make everyone pretty is not going to solve anything its just going to trick people into thinking things are fixed. How can you just undergo an operation to change the person you are.. and why is Tally okay with this? Just before she didn't want to she was actually running away from the surgery. They must of done something to her brain because before this she did not act this way at all. I also love how they talk about flaws like they are a thing from the past. Which I find weird because flaws is what makes us human and when we take those away what are we? Just carbon organisms walking around living life with no meaning? Because that's what it seems for them, because none of them seem to be living for anything besides having fun and being pretty though yeah it sounds like a great life technology wants to provide us with but do we really want to live life life that?

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

"But maybe it was time. She had been here a month, and Zane was special. Not just because he had led the Crims and looked different from everyone else, but the way he tried to stay bubble, to bend the rules. It made him prettier than the others, somehow"(58)

In a society where biotechnology makes everyone look the same, to create the ideal version of being "pretty" how do we find the special and uniqueness of one another? When everyone is made to look the same how do we stand out or admire how someone is unique to us? You can not and this is why this is a dystopian society because when everyone inspires to be the same then no one is truly themselves creating a superficial imperfect world. How would anyone want to live a life like this? Does Tally not realize she is being superficial herself... It's like they did something to her but I don't know what. Did they make her forget everything that she once believed in because she sure is acting like it..