Saturday, October 1, 2011

Our future is in the past?

Malorie MacDonald
Period 6

Tera Nova is an alternate universe the find in the future, it is also the name of the show. In the trailer you can see that the future is in pretty bad condition. Its dark, polluted, over populated, and seems to be slowly degrading. You can see that the major issues in environment, technology, and a little bit of government. The family seems so desperate to escape the future and head into the past of the alternate universe because the environment of the future is unstable and unhealthy to live in, therefore you can see the parents just want whats best for their children. In the trailer you can see the huge difference between the two environments, and how worst the environment in the future is than the new one. The issue of technology is clearly present because even though in the future we are technologically advances it causes so much pollution that it destroys our environment causing us to rely more and more on technology where in Tera Nova everything seems to be more organic than technological which is better for the environment which in the trailer you can see how much healthier the environment is and ends the cycle that is ever going in the future. Also as you see in the trailer there seems to be a struggle between two groups, one group that does not live inside the gates of Tera Nova seem to be the rebels while the group that lives inside the gates seem to be the governed listening to the government that is enforced in the government. Though we don't know why there rebels are against the government I predict it has to do with corruption in the government because in the trailer the person who is in charge looks guilty of some thing, like hes not telling everyone the truth about the place or hes hiding a big secret. Though I am still unsure of what the secret is!

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