Sunday, October 30, 2011

The movie Priest is about the future that was filled with a war with vampires. During this people turned to the church for protection. This is because they made priests specifically designed to fight vampires and through this they were able to take control of the war and win. But now the church has total control of society and is corrupt. Priests are now ignored and are even unable to find work. Though when a new threat of vampires arises one of the priests set out on a mission to revenge his brothers death, and to rescue his daughter from the vampires. Though the priest starts to question the church and its reasons. He goes to the church to inform he is going after his daughter but instead of supporting his they warn that if he leaves he will be going against church and God and the will go after him, because they are convinced that all the vampires are taken care of. Though we learn that he is wrong and the priest learns that going against the Church is not going against God, that he was right and he needs to do the right thing and listen to his own morals because the church is not God but just the ones who started to twist his message. This shows that in the future maybe one again the Church will have absolute power and use religion to their power which is corrupt. It also shows that when the future things goes bad people often turn to religion for safety. Though they need to realize that they control their own religion and not the church. Soon the citizens open their eyes to this when it becomes evident the church has been lying about vampires. Though it shows that religion during rough times can be used negatively on people in the future.

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